‘Acrylic’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Diseases and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin
Diseases and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin
A human head dissected: "In memoriam"
A human head dissected: "In memoriam"
A human head dissected: "In memoriam"
A human head dissected: "In memoriam"
Two sets of acrylic dentures, England, 1955–1965
Two sets of acrylic dentures, England, 1955–1965
Pregnant woman, acrylic panel, 1990s
Pregnant woman, acrylic panel, 1990s
Melon-shaped Ewer with Incised Peony Design (lid)
Melon-shaped Ewer with Incised Peony Design (lid)
Diseases and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin
Diseases and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin
Pregnant woman from the shack of a voudun practitioner
Pregnant woman from the shack of a voudun practitioner