‘9th Lancers’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Irish soldier Captain William Beresford attacking a Zulu village, Anglo-Zulu War, 1879
Irish soldier Captain William Beresford attacking a Zulu village, Anglo-Zulu War, 1879
The War, Colonel RS Baden-Powell and some of the Officers who are defending Mafeking
The War, Colonel RS Baden-Powell and some of the Officers who are defending Mafeking
In Pursuit of De Wet
In Pursuit of De Wet
Banquet for the 9th Lancers, Exeter
Banquet for the 9th Lancers, Exeter
The charge of the 9th Lancers during the retreat from Mons
The charge of the 9th Lancers during the retreat from Mons
Lord William Leslie de la Poer Beresford, VC
Lord William Leslie de la Poer Beresford, VC
The War in the Transvaal
The War in the Transvaal
With the Guards, Gordons, and Lancers at Modder River and Enslin
With the Guards, Gordons, and Lancers at Modder River and Enslin