‘34’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Embroidered Fukusa
Embroidered Fukusa
Mlle Alexandrine-Julie de la Boutraye
Mlle Alexandrine-Julie de la Boutraye
Maps of the Spanish Armada
Maps of the Spanish Armada
The Wandering Jew: The Modern City
The Wandering Jew: The Modern City
Characters of Romance: Baron Muchausen
Characters of Romance: Baron Muchausen
Aurelius Antoninus Pius
Aurelius Antoninus Pius
Sleep (Jean-René Carrière), from L'Album d'estampes originales de la Galerie Vollard
Sleep (Jean-René Carrière), from L'Album d'estampes originales de la Galerie Vollard
Embroidered Cover
Embroidered Cover