‘1911’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Macbeth:"There's blood upon Thy face", Act III, Scene iv, Macbeth
Macbeth:"There's blood upon Thy face", Act III, Scene iv, Macbeth
Wreck of the Hansy, Housel Bay, The Lizard, Cornwall, November 1911
Wreck of the Hansy, Housel Bay, The Lizard, Cornwall, November 1911
An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: the battle for Nanking
An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: the battle for Nanking
The Titanic was the pride of the White Star Line
The Titanic was the pride of the White Star Line
Shall have permitted us to make flying submarines, Aviation will have said its last word
Shall have permitted us to make flying submarines, Aviation will have said its last word
Flower Study
Flower Study
Portal of a Venetian Palace
Portal of a Venetian Palace
Coles Phillips Girl, A Present-Day Saint
Coles Phillips Girl, A Present-Day Saint