‘1756-1815’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Raw Weather
Raw Weather
The Elements of Skating: Making the Most of a Passing Friend
The Elements of Skating: Making the Most of a Passing Friend
Taming of the shrew: -Katharine & Petruchio
Taming of the shrew: -Katharine & Petruchio
Following the fashion
Following the fashion
Tentand via est qua me quoque possim tollere humo
Tentand via est qua me quoque possim tollere humo
Characters in high life
Characters in high life
"The friend of the people," & his petty new-tax-gatherer, paying John Bull a visit
"The friend of the people," & his petty new-tax-gatherer, paying John Bull a visit
Very slippy-weather
Very slippy-weather