‘1684-1756’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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W Shakespear [graphic] / G Vertue, 17[34?]
W Shakespear [graphic] / G Vertue, 17[34?]
Richard 3d [graphic]
Richard 3d [graphic]
John Dryden,"whose tunefull muse affords the sweetest numbers, and the fittest words" [graphic] / G Kneller eques pinxit
John Dryden,"whose tunefull muse affords the sweetest numbers, and the fittest words" [graphic] / G Kneller eques pinxit
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth I
"L`Admiration avec etonnement." – Study of a woman's head
"L`Admiration avec etonnement." – Study of a woman's head
Michał Kleofas Ogiński  and Izabela Ogińska née Lasocki
Michał Kleofas Ogiński and Izabela Ogińska née Lasocki
Jeffery Hudson, the dwarf [graphic] / GV del
Jeffery Hudson, the dwarf [graphic] / GV del
Thomas Sackvill, Earl of Dorset [graphic] / G Vertue sculp
Thomas Sackvill, Earl of Dorset [graphic] / G Vertue sculp