‘1663–1730’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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A View of the Stairs of the Vatican
A View of the Stairs of the Vatican
Oval medallion with faun head, Silenus (?)
Oval medallion with faun head, Silenus (?)
Above, red-figured Greek wine jug (lekythos) decorated with figures and a palm motif
Above, red-figured Greek wine jug (lekythos) decorated with figures and a palm motif
Isaac Bickerstaff Esqr. [graphic] / B Lens senr, delineavit; engraven by John Sturt.
Isaac Bickerstaff Esqr. [graphic] / B Lens senr, delineavit; engraven by John Sturt.
Queen Zenobia Addressing Her Soldiers
Queen Zenobia Addressing Her Soldiers
The Sick Woman
The Sick Woman
St Paul Healing the Cripple at Lystra
St Paul Healing the Cripple at Lystra
Piazza San Marco, Venice
Piazza San Marco, Venice