‘1518’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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La Belle Paule
La Belle Paule
Tarquin and Lucretia
Tarquin and Lucretia
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astrology, Perspective, and Architecture, from Allegories of Various Arts and Sciences
Portrait of Marino Grimani
Portrait of Marino Grimani
Portrait of Diego de Guevara (?)
Portrait of Diego de Guevara (?)
Battles and Triumphs
Battles and Triumphs
Battles and Triumphs
Battles and Triumphs
Henry 8th and his Queen, Catherine of Aragon, received by Cardinal Wolsey at Oxford, 1518
Henry 8th and his Queen, Catherine of Aragon, received by Cardinal Wolsey at Oxford, 1518