‘1 June 1885’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Crowds and officials in front of the Pantheon, 1 June 1885
Crowds and officials in front of the Pantheon, 1 June 1885
Procession leading to Boulevard St Germain from Pont de la Concorde
Procession leading to Boulevard St Germain from Pont de la Concorde
Funeral of Victor Hugo, the body is brought under the Catafalque, 31 May 1885
Funeral of Victor Hugo, the body is brought under the Catafalque, 31 May 1885
Procession rue Soufflot towards the Panthéon, 1 June 1885
Procession rue Soufflot towards the Panthéon, 1 June 1885
Funeral of Victor Hugo, second part of the national event: arrival at the Pantheon of a chariot used for the funeral …
Funeral of Victor Hugo, second part of the national event: arrival at the Pantheon of a chariot used for the funeral …
Parade of the procession Place de la Concorde with floats decorated with crowns escorted by school battalions, 1 June …
Parade of the procession Place de la Concorde with floats decorated with crowns escorted by school battalions, 1 June …
Procession leading to Boulevard St Germain from Pont de la Concorde
Procession leading to Boulevard St Germain from Pont de la Concorde
The hearse descending the Champs-Elysées near the Marigny theatre, 1 June 1885
The hearse descending the Champs-Elysées near the Marigny theatre, 1 June 1885