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Three officers in the City of London Corporation holding different types of sticks ("characteresticks"): Lord Mayor …

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Three officers in the City of London Corporation holding different types of sticks ("characteresticks"): Lord Mayor Crosby with a scourge for wheat-speculators; John Wilkes with a Herculean club for defeating corruption; and and a bull representing Frederick Bull, with the sheriff's staff of office. Engraving after SL, 1772. "Sir, An odd conceit entered my brain, that I could represent three very worthy characters, in some measure hieroglyphically, and I have attempted to carry my whim into execution. How far I have succeeded in affording any entertainment to your readers, time only can discover. I have sent you the enclosed drawing, which I beg you will get engraved, and you will oblige your very humble servant, SL" – Oxford magazine, loc. cit. The three figures are surrounded by laurel wreaths. The Lord Mayor, Brass Crosby, wears a crown in the form of a fortified city, he rests on a scroll inscribed 'thanks & prayers of the poor' and he holds a scourge inscribed "for monopoly". He campaigned against those who tried to corner the market for wheat and drive up prices. In the background are the Tower of London (in which he was incarcerated in 1771) and a personification of justice. John Wilkes as Hercules holds up a scroll which is inscribed "Hercules labours overcome. Gen.l warrants. Maintain'd lib. of press. Freedom of election etc. etc. etc.'. He holds a club of Hercules inscribed "For undue influence" and a sheriff's staff. Frederick Bull, represented as a bull, wears an alderman's chain and rests a hoof on a pillar of 'fortitude. He also holds a sheriff's staff: Bull and Wilkes were both elected sheriffs of the City in 1771. Below is the shield of the Corporation of London. The cap of liberty below the figures is inscribed 'Libertas'. Created 1 Jan. 1772. City council members. Staffs (Sticks, canes, etc.). Sheriffs. Liberty. John Wilkes (1725–1797). Frederick Bull (approximately 1714–1784). Brass Crosby (1725–1793). City of London (England). Corporation. Contributors: SL (active 1772). Work ID: pyxs9zrh.

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