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A new well, fitted with a Dragor water pump, contrasted with an old well using a bucket on a winch

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A new well, fitted with a Dragor water pump, contrasted with an old well using a bucket on a winch; advertising Dragor water pumps. Colour lithograph by Jelb, 1935. The Dragor pump was operated manually: it contained a wheel around which was suspended a looped cord which hung down within a well and to which numerous small cups were attached. By turning a handle, the user could rotate the cord so that the cups on the rising part of the cord would scoop up water and eject it at the top (through a dragon's mouth) into a container Left, a new, secure, brick-lined well from which water is being pumped into a bucket with a Dragor pump. Right, a farmyard with an old open-top stone-lined well, within which are pollutants (a dead cat, a mouse, rubbish etc.), not secure at the top so that the boy trying to pull the bucket up is in danger of falling down the well: his mother runs to rescue him (top left). Created 1935?. Water-supply. Well water. Pumping machinery. Water – Pollution. Agriculture – Accidents. Contributors: Jelb.; Établissements Dragor et Alma. Work ID: qsxxsm9w.

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