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An Indian widow being led to suttee

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An Indian widow being led to suttee. Coloured etching, 1811. According to Professor Paul B Courtright, the print "emphasizes the latent eroticism in sati representation in the early nineteenth century" and resembles a French lithograph in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris" (letter to the Wellcome Institute, 24 March 1993) The print "depicts Solvyns's central figures, the widow and her two brahmin attendants, in a composition with a scene of the pyre by another artist" according to Hardgrave, loc. cit., referring to a print (not a lithograph) by François Balthazar Solvyns, Calcutta edition, section XII, no. 13, "Shoho Gomon, – Women burning themselves with the Corpse of their Husband". Created Published as the Act directs, Feb. 16 1811. Sati. Work ID: kqb9h5m6.

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