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Acu-moxa aid: landmark measurements, Chinese MS, late Qing

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Acu-moxa aid: landmark measurements, Chinese MS, late Qing. Line drawing in ink and brush style from an anonymous manuscript probably dating from the end of the Qing period (1644–1911). The image shows the outline of a human body viewed from the front. Captions in corresponding places on the body indicate the distances between various landmarks on the bodily surface, as an aid in establishing the location of acupoints and the paths of the channels and collaterals at the front of the body. For instance, on either side of the head, there is a caption reading 'From in front of the ear to ermen (Ear Portal) is 1 cun, 5 fen'; a caption on the face reads 'The distance between the cheekbones (quan) is 7 cun', etc. The units of measurement are the chi [Chinese foot] and cun [Chinese inch], the length of the cun being based on the proportions of the individual's body, ie 1 cun = the distance from the base of the middle finger to the end of the crease of the middle joint. 10 cun = 1 chi. Compare Image L0034732, which is very similar. Work ID: jptyzjyp.

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