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Tibet: Kamba Bombo warns Sven Hedin not to proceed further south towards Lhasa

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Tibet: Kamba Bombo warns Sven Hedin not to proceed further south towards Lhasa. Drawing by FC Dickinson, 1902, after Sven Hedin. Episode described by Hedin in his book Central Asia and Tibet: towards the holy city of Lassa, London 1903, vol 2, chapter X, pp. 376–383. Kamba Bombo, governor (bombo) of Nakkchu (Nag Tshu), visits Hedin on behalf of the Dalai Lama, and draws his hand across his throat to indicate Hedin's fate should he proceed further. Created Decr 20 [19]02. Tibet Autonomous Region (China). Sven Anders Hedin (1865–1952). Contributors: Sven Anders Hedin (1865–1952); F C Dickinson. Work ID: y7mrs4h7.

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