Theory of syringing the ear, Thomas Buchanan, 1825
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Caption | Theory of syringing the ear, Thomas Buchanan, 1825. Theory of syringing the ear. Instruments drawn by Thomas Buchanan, 1825. Buchanan writes: Fig 1) We have a section of the meatus A and syringe B, the point of which completely blocks the meatus. If the piston C should be forced inwards, the injection contained in the syringe must be sent into the meatus … and rupture the membrana tympani D Fig 2) The principles on which the syringe ought to be used. The point is so slender that it admits the counter current to escape freely, and by the same means, all loose extraneous substances will be carried outwards. Wax. Contributors: Thomas Buchanan. Work ID: hq35vvfv. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | unknown |
Credit | Wellcome Collection |
Terms of use | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) |
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