Attributes of the six-handed Mahākāla in a "rgyan tshogs" banner

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Attributes of the six-handed Mahākāla in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter. In the centre there is a red pagoda-like structure. Below, on the left and right, are two offering cakes (gtor-ma), each based on three skulls. There are two more offering cakes and black lions with red manes, tongues hanging out and teeth showing. Suspended underneath are the skins of an elephant and of a white lion on a line formed of snakes. Also shown are a ram, a bull, an antelope, a sword, a flag, a fly whisk, and an arrow along with an elaborate contraption with two wheels and eight two-pronged sticks (mostly from Winder, loc. cit.). Mahākāla (Buddhist deity). Jiangzi Xian (China). Work ID: uwqf5uck.

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