Mercury lies dying from cholera, surrounded by ministers
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Caption | Mercury lies dying from cholera, surrounded by ministers; representing the sickly state of the French economy in the 1830s. Coloured etching, c 1832. Cholera is referred to here as 'cholera morbus'. The minister of justice administers a 'lavement', a euphemism for enema, marked 'juste milieu', the ironic term for Louis Philippe's disingenuous attempt at a lowest common denominator between republicanism and monarchy. Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, holds the caduceus (the wand entwined with two snakes), in his right hand. Created 1832. Mercury (Roman deity). Cholera – France (- 19th century). Crisis management in government. Economic history (- 19th century). Resuscitation. Priests. Gastroenteritis. Economics – Psychological aspects. Enema. Hydrocolloid surgical dressings. Caduceus. France. Contributors: B, D (active 1832). Work ID: p9wwz93z. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | etching, with watercolour |
Credit | Wellcome Collection |
Terms of use | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) |
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