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A seated man in front of a chamber pot which is emitting bubbles, a group of people stand behind him
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Caption | A seated man in front of a chamber pot which is emitting bubbles, a group of people stand behind him; representing Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle's involvement with Mrs Clarke. Coloured etching, 1809. Wardle is holding a wand "The wand of perseverance" over a large chamber pot inscribed "Mrs Clarkes reservoir". The pot emits large bubbles, seven of which contain text presenting Wardle's satirical attributes: "The word of a prince", "The memory of a captain", The virtue of a general", "The piety of a doctor", "The valour of a foot boy", The humour of a house keeper", "The faith of an agent". John Bull says: "Well faith you be a clever man sure enough – I have seen many bubbles in my time, but nothing to come up to these – I shall never forget them as long as my name is John Bull!!" A lady, perhaps Mrs Clarke, stands behind him. Created 24 April 1809. Chamber pots. Deception. House furnishings – Great Britain (- 19th century). John Bull (Symbolic character). Great Britain. Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle (1762?-1833). Mary Anne Clarke (1776?-1852). Work ID: rsg5ce6a. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | etching, with watercolour |
Credit | Wellcome Collection |
Terms of use | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | seated man chamber pot emitting bubbles group people stand Caricatures Etchings |
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YW011320V | 3,324 x 2,356 pixels | 585 |
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