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A fearful woman (Britannia) is encouraged by three British politicians to resist the invading fleet of France

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A fearful woman (Britannia) is encouraged by three British politicians to resist the invading fleet of France. Coloured etching by J Gillray after J Sneyd, 1803. The fainting Britannia is fortified by "doctors and ministers" represented by Charles Jenkinson (Baron Hawkesbury, subsequently Earl of Liverpool) and Henry Addington (subsequently Viscount Sidmouth): Jenkinson wears a fur-lined robe, while Addington, as a doctor in the robes of the Royal College of Physicians, holds smelling salts ("Gunpowder") to her nose. Sheridan, as a quack doctor's assistant ("Sherry Andrew", play on "Merry Andrew"), holds a club and a shield in the form of the head of the Medusa against Napoleon and a French invasion force crossing the English Channel. Fox is shown behind them. The characters speak as if playing roles in a Shakespearian tragedy. Created 14 March 1803. Syncope (Pathology). Physicians. Medusa (Greek mythology). Costume – History (- 19th century). Great Britain – Foreign relations – France. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751–1816). Charles James Fox (1749–1806). Charles Jenkinson (1727–1808). Henry Addington, Viscount Sidmouth (1757–1844). Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769–1821). William Shakespeare, 1564–1616. Hamlet. Contributors: John. Sneyd; James Gillray (1756–1815). Work ID: hmma23pq.

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