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A skeletal cadaver with two flaps of skin of the abdomen cut away to reveal the subcutaneous layer of muscle and fat, …
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Caption | A skeletal cadaver with two flaps of skin of the abdomen cut away to reveal the subcutaneous layer of muscle and fat, labelled "mirac". Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345. Guido de Vigevano was a fourteenth-century Lombard who served as physician to the Queen of France, Jeanne de Bourgogne. Full-scale facsimiles of the eighteen illustrations to his manuscript of Galenic medicine in the Musée Condé in Chantilly, no. 334 (ex 569), dedicated to King Philip VI of Valois, were published in 1926 by Wickersheimer, together with facsimiles of early editions of the Anatomy of Mundinus. The Vigevano illustrations depict the anatomy of the abdomen, thorax, and head, demonstrated on a skeletal cadaver, as well as examples of medical treatment of living patients. In this plate, the dissection of a skeletal cadaver has been initiated with the removal of the skin of the abdomen to reveal the subcutaneous layer of fat and muscle known as "mirac". The skin has been cut in hinged flaps and the outline of these follow the curve of the lower ribs and the shape of the head of the femur which inserts into the pelvis. For other illustrations from the same manuscript, see catalogue numbers 26646, 26656, 26665, 26682 and 26684. Created 1926. Dead. Human dissection. Human anatomy. Guido da Vigevano (approximately 1280–approximately 1350). Mundino dei Luzzi (-1326). Work ID: hgc3pv4a. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | collotype, printed in colour |
Credit | Wellcome Collection |
Terms of use | [a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" target="LL"]Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0)[/a] |
Search stock images by keyword | skeletal cadaver flaps skin abdomen cut away reveal subcutaneous layer muscle fat labelled mirac Facsimiles Photomechanical |
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YW007729VER | 1,322 x 1,755 pixels | 85 |
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