Jeffery Hudson, a dwarf

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Jeffery Hudson, a dwarf. Wood engraving. The lettering on another print states that the sitter was "Born at Okeham, in Rutlandshire in 1619. Taken into the service of the Duchess of Buckingham, at Burleigh between the age of 7 & 9, and served up in a cold pye, at an entertainment given to Charles the First, and his Queen. Sent to France for the Queen's midwife in 1630, & made prisoner by a Flemish pirate. Made a captain of horse in the Civil Wars; & fights a duel on horseback with Mr Crofts, whom he kills with the first fire. Again made captive at sea, by a Turkish rover, & carried into slavery where he remains some years. Redeemed; settles for a time in his native county, & afterwards removes to London. Committed to the Gate House as a Papist, & dies soon after his release in his sixty-third year." CJS Thompson, 'The mystery and lore of monsters', London 1930, pp. 192–3; Leslie Fiedler, 'Freaks', New York 1978, pp 56–7 Dwarfs (Persons). Jeffrey Hudson (1619–1681). Work ID: ncvrbnq3.

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