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Deacon’s chair used by Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church

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Four-legged wooden, bentwood chair. Chair seat is round with carved, shallow ridges on seat top. Ridges are in expanding, concentric "U" shapes, narrower in the middle and expanding outward toward the center. "U" shapes begin on either side, closer to the chair back. Outside wood bar, one continuous piece, of chair back curves around and down to make the chair legs. In the middle of the chair back is another curved loop of bent wood that attaches to the top bar and to the seat. Two (2) curved supports on either side of the chair seat connect to the chair back. Circular wood ring of support runs around the interior of the four (4) legs. Two (2) front legs slightly curve away from the seat. Date: 1910s. Record ID: nmaahc_2013.150.1.

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