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Deed of sale including 237 enslaved persons in transaction
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Caption | Seven (7) paged deed of sale document between Samuel Smith, Rene Payne, George Smith, John Smith and Robert Lord Carrington for the sum of [nineteen thousand] one hundred and seventeen pounds, eleven shillings. The indenture document is sold by Moulton and Rushton of Chancery Lane, as indicated in the upper left corner of the front of the first page. The document is bordered in red lines. The top of the document in the upper left corner is stylized script [This indenture of three parts/Sold by/Moulton and Rushton,/Chancery Lane] Following the first line of stylized text is the start of the indenture [made the Twenty Eighth day of August in the/thirty eighth year of the Reign of our/Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain Ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith and soforth and in the year of our Lord One/thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight Between Samuel Smith and/Rene Payne of the City of London (illegible) of the first part The said Samuel Smith and Rene Payne and their (illegible)/George Smith and John Smith of the City of London (illegible) of the second part and The Right Honorable Robert Lord/Carrington of the third part]. On the left side in the upper third are two (2) blue squares of paper with embossed seals. On the reverse of the first page in the upper left corner is the payment of the indenture received to Robert Lord Carrington for the sum of [nineteen thousand] (AA, 1/29/15) one hundred and seventeen pounds and eleven shillings. The payment is witnessed and signed. At the top in the middle is a note regarding the sealing and endorsing of the document. On the left side in the middle third, is a note regarding where the indenture was filed [Enrolled in the Office of Enrollments in Jamaica/May 25th 1799 Lib: 465 fol 187/(illegible)/(illegible signature]. In the middle of the center of the reverse of the document is a summary of the document contents and the date [Dated 20th of August 1798./Samuel Smith Esq./and others…../to/The Right (illegible)/Lord Carrington../Conveyance/of two thirds of the ffarm/plantation/Enrd 25th May 1799/(illegible)/6.. 15 71/2. 6/ 6.. 18. 17]. Included in the indenture is a schedule of property listed on the sixth and seventh pages. On the last page are five (5) wax seals and signatures along the bottom. The signatures include Samuel Smith, Rene Payne, George Smith, John Smith and Lord Carrington. Date: 1790s. Record ID: nmaahc_2010.1.317a-g. |
Creator | unknown |
Artwork medium | ink on vellum, wax |
Credit | Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Deed sale enslaved persons transaction paged document Samuel Smith Rene Payne George Smith John Smith Robert Lord Carrington sum thousand pounds shillings Trans Atlantic slave trade Business |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YSH006155 | 8,463 x 7,018 pixels | 56 |
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