Record of taxes on property, including enslaved persons, owned by John Rouzee

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This handwritten, single page document is an account of taxes owed by the estate of John Rouzee to the Sheriff of Essex County for the year 1834. The taxable property is listed as "30 slaves, 12 horses and Coachie," as well as four hundred and ninety-seven (497) acres of land, twenty-four (24) county and poor levies at one (1) dollar and fourteen (14) cents, and six hundred and thirty-nine (639) acres of land from the Richard Rouzee Estate. The total tax amount due was fifty-one (51) dollars and ninety-six (96) cents which was paid by Edward Rouzee on October 10, 1834. The document is signed at the bottom right by Robert Hill. On the reverse is written "Robert Hill Sheriff Bill," along with notes on the date and amount paid. Both sides are written in brown ink. Date: 1830s. Record ID: nmaahc_2011.104.59.

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