Lantern Slide of the slave dealers, Birch & Co. , in Alexandria, Virginia.

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Lantern slide of the slave trading firm of Price, Birch, & Co of Alexandria, Virginia. The slide depicts a three story building is set to the right of the slide. A sign on the building reads “PRICE BIRCH & CO. / DEALERS IN SLAVES.” A tree is at the center of the image. Arrayed in the foreground are a horse, covered wagon and 10 soldiers. The soldiers appear to be both white and African American, with a group of four black soldiers grouped together on the left and one standing alone back against the wall. All the men are in full uniform, including hats, rifles, and swords. Printed vertically on the left of the image is “TH McALLISTER, Manufacturing Optician,.” Printed vertically on the right side of the image is “49 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK.” A paper label is adhered to the back of the slide. Handwritten vertically in ink is “0290 Price, Birch & Co’s Slave Pen / Alex. Va” The slide is in a metal frame. Date: 1860s. Record ID: nmaahc_2018.43.6.

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