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Hiring agreement for an enslaved woman named Martha in South Carolina

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A hiring agreement for an enslaved woman named Martha in South Carolina. The small, single sheet and page document is on yellowed paper with black preprinted and handwritten text. The document represents the hire of an enslaved woman named Martha to William A Hunton by John Fox on January 1, 1859 for 1 year. It the top left corner on the front of the document is a printed dollar sign with “17.00/100” handwritten next to it. The document begins “On the 1st day of January, 1860, we bind ourselves and our heirs / to pay unto JOHN FOX the just and full sum of Seventeen dollars / and – cents, for the hire of the Negro Martha, for the year 1859….” The document also notes that Martha will be furnished with summer and winter clothes as well as a bonnet and blanket. The document ends with “Given under our hands ad seals this 31st day of December of 1858. / William A Hunton.” In the bottom right corner there ar two boxes with “SEAL.” printed inside. William A Hunton’s signature is next to the top box. The back of the document has an inscription in graphite written in a different hand than the text on the front. The inscription reads “No 24 / WM A Hunton / $17, Martha / John Fox.”. Date: 1810s. Record ID: nmaahc_2018.43.5.

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