Cooking His Breakfast. Augusta, Ga.

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A cabinet card with an albumen print of an unidentified man sitting in a dirt yard near a wooden structure. The man is sitting on an overturned wooden crate near a short homemade oven made from stacked bricks. A kettle and other cooking implements are gathered near the oven and the man's crate. He looks at the photographer and has his arms crossed and propped onto his thighs. A short wooden structure held up by two large sticks is in the left background. In the right background is a larger wooden structure with a sloped shingled roof that is made from boards, with several additional boards and sticks used to prop up the original structure. The print is mounted on gray cardboard. An inscription handwritten on the reverse reads, "Cooking his breakfast / Augusta Ga". Date: 1920s. Record ID: nmaahc_2016.166.17.

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