Music cabinet and piano with a relic of St Cecilia
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Caption | Pierre Cuypers, the Rijksmuseum architect, designed these pieces of furniture as engagement and wedding presents for his second wife. The Gothic Revival style and the reliquary on the piano express their deep-rooted Catholicism. The images on the piano case – the Annunciation and scenes from the life of St Cecilia, patron saint of music – allude to the difficult choice of Cuypers’ wife between marriage and a musical career. Origin: Paris. Date: 1858 – 1859. Object ID: BK-1996-9. |
Creator | Antoine Bord, musical instrument maker (1814–1888); Pierre Joseph Hubert Cuypers, designer, Nederlands (1827–1921) |
Artwork medium | pine, oak, glass, cloth |
Credit | Rijksmuseum |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | virgin martyr Cecilia of Rome possible attributes falcon musical instruments organ wreath roses lilies Music cabinet piano relic Cecilia Upright musical instrument stringed instrument keyboard instrument pianoforte musical instruments Antoine Bord Pierre Joseph Hubert Cuypers Cuypers en Stolzenberg |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YR0328524 | 2,130 x 2,500 pixels | 312 |
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