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Caption | This is a typical late 17th-century Antwerp cabinet. Although it makes a lavish impression, the quality of the craftsmanship is not exceptional. This kind of furniture contributed to the luxurious ambiance of reception rooms in the Baroque castles and palaces that were being built throughout Europe at the time. Origin: Antwerp. Date: c 1680 – c 1690. Object ID: BK-16434. |
Creator | unknown |
Artwork medium | oak, softwood, pine, walnut, rosewood, ebony, marble, copper, ivory, gilding, oil paint, bone, paint |
Credit | Rijksmuseum |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | adoration golden calf anyone bitten snake cured looking brazen serpent tau-shaped cross pillar Noah building ark God covenant never again shall flood sign puts rainbow sky Judah love-affair Tamar gives signet bracelets staff spies take away fruits Canaan return carrying bunch grapes pole meeting well Eliezer sees Rebekah coming pitcher angel sword bars way causes Balaam ass turn aside invisible finding Moses Pharaoh daughter bathe maidens river discovers child floating water Cabinet furniture |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YR0056131 | 1,959 x 3,000 pixels | 609 |
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