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Box with Episodes from the Life of the Spinola Family

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In the 17th century various silversmiths from the Netherlands were active in the Italian city of Genoa. They were celebrated for their skills in rendering stories in very high relief. These plaquettes are made by the most famous of these craftsmen, Mattheus Melijn of Antwerp. They feature episodes from the life of the Spinola family, and show how a city can be conquered: Maria Spinola procured a duchy through the power of love, her brother Ambrogio through military might. Between 1628 and 1631 France and Spain fought over the right of succession to the Duchy of Mantua. The Spanish army was under the command of Ambrogio Spinola. However, he did not have to suffer defeat at French hands: Ambrogio died in 1630 during the Siege of Casale Monferrato. Origin: Southern Netherlands. Date: 1636. Object ID: BK-NM-604.

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