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Homer, Hesiod. Earth according to Anaximandra, Anaximander, Hecateos, Aristagoras. Democritus, Skylax, Damastes.
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Caption | No 1. Homer, Hesiod. No 2. Earth according to Anaximandra, Anaximander, Hecateos, Aristagoras. No 3. Democritus, Skylax, Damastes. No 4. Herodotus. No 5. Skylax, Eudox, Ephor, Xenofon. No 6. Aristotle. No 7. Pytheas, Euthymenes. No 8. Crates. No 9. Beth, Megasthenes. No 10. Nearkh, Dajmach. No 11. Timeas. No 12. Patrokles, Timosthenes (Maps according to descriptions and ideas about the world: Homer and Hesiod of Askra, Anaximander of Miletus, Hecataeus of Miletus and Aristagoras of Miletus, Democritus of Abdera, Skylax of Carianda and Damastes of Sigeum, Herodotus of Halicarnassus, Skylax from Carianda, Eudoxus of Knidos, Ephorus of Kyme and Xenophon, Aristotle of Stagira, Pytheas of Massalia and Euthymenes of Massalia, Crates of Mallos, India according to Beton and Megasthenes, India according to Nearchos and Dajmachos of Platea, Timaeus of Tauromennion, Patroclus and Timosthenes from Rhodes). Polish original: Nr 1. Homer, Hesjod. Nr 2. Ziemia podług Anaximandra, Anaximander, Hekateos, Aristagoras. Nr 3. Demokrit, Skylax, Damastes. Nr 4. Herodot. Nr 5. Skylax, Eudox, Efor, Xenofon. Nr 6. Aristoteles. Nr 7. Pytheas, Euthymenes. Nr 8. Krates. Nr 9. Beto, Megasthenes. Nr 10. Nearch, Dajmach. Nr 11. Timeas. Nr 12. Patrokles, Timosthenes (Mapy wg opisów i wyobrażeń o świecie: Homera i Hezjoda z Askry, Anaksymandra z Miletu, Hekatajosa z Miletu i Arystagorasa z Miletu, Demokryta z Abdery, Skylaksa z Kariandy i Damastesa z Sigeum, Herodota z Halikarnasu, Skylaksa z Kariandy, Eudoksosa z Knidos, Efora z Kyme i Ksenofonta, Arystotelesa ze Stagiry, Pyteasza z Massalii i Eutymenesa z Massalii, Kratesa z Mallos, Indie wg Betona i Megastenesa, Indie wg Nearchosa i Dajmachosa z Platei, Timajosa z Tauromennion, Patroklesa i Timosthenesa z Rodos). Creator: Lelewel, Joachim (1786-1861). Creator role: engraver. Date: April 12, 1817. Object Number: MNK III-kl.-720/1. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | etching (printing process); copper plate |
Credit | National Museum in Krakow |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Homer Hesiod Earth according Anaximandra Anaximander Hecateos Aristagoras Democritus Skylax Damastes Herodotus Eudox Ephor Xenofon Aristotle Pytheas Euthymenes Crates Beth Megasthenes 10 Nearkh Dajmach 11 Timeas 12 Patrokles Timosthenes Maps descriptions ideas world Homer and Hesiod of Askra Anaximander of Miletus Hecataeus of Miletus and Aristagoras of Miletus Democritus of Abdera Skylax of Carianda and Damastes of Sigeum Herodotus of Halicarnassus Carianda Eudoxus of Knidos Ephorus of Kyme and Xenophon Aristotle of Stagira Pytheas of Massalia and Euthymenes of Massalia Crates of Mallos India Beton and Megasthenes Nearchos and Dajmachos of Platea Timaeus of Tauromennion Patroclus and Timosthenes Rhodes Lelewel, Joachim |
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YNK1016426 | 4,000 x 2,516 pixels | 131 |
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