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Battlefields and views of soldiers in France during World War I

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Battlefields and views of soldiers in France during World War I Shows battlefields, overturned and destroyed carts and wagons, dead horses, soldiers marching along roads and through ruined towns, medical workers with horse drawn vehicle working on road reconstruction (H84205/35), carts and wagons bogged in muddy battlefields, artillery including a howitzer and large guns or cannons, bodies of soldiers on battlefield, supplies including "smoke cases" lying on battlefield, German tank "Elfriede", tank buried in mud, elevated view of bombed and ruined town in France, soldiers outside "Australian Comforts Funds" building. H84205/55 shows a bogged and abandoned 45 inch Howitzer on Westhoek Ridge, Belgium. Date: [ca 1914-ca 1918]. ID: IE5716834. We ask you to respect State Library Victoria’s policies with regard to copying and re-using works with indigenous content.

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