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Studio portraits by Taylor in Gawler, South Australia

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Studio portraits by Taylor in Gawler, South Australia. Standing, whole-length, to right, wearing long-sleeved dress with belt – Young man, almost half-length, full face, wearing jacket, vest, check shirt with white collar, clean shaven, short hair with side part – Man, standing, whole-length, full face, wearing three-piece suit and wide tie – Inscribed in ink below image: Age 74, 18th February, died 1[illegible] th Dec. 1889; man, standing, whole-length, full face, white hair and beard, smiling – Name inscribed in ink below image: William Prah[illegible], 12; standing, whole-length, full face – Man, standing, whole-length, to left (almost full face) beard and moustache, wavy hair, right hand on his hip, his hat is resting on pedestal beside him. Author/Creator: Taylor, James, fl 1871-1903 photographer. Date: [ca 1871-ca 1884]. ID: IE8408847. We ask you to respect State Library Victoria’s policies with regard to copying and re-using works with indigenous content.

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