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First Coles Variety store,""It all began in Smith Street, Collingwood, on the Thursday before Easter 1914"" …

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First Coles Variety store,""It all began in Smith Street, Collingwood, on the Thursday before Easter 1914"" Collingwood Store No 1. Includes share registers; minutes; reports; correspondence; speeches; catalogues; advertisements; press cuttings; photographs; architectural drawings; film reels; video tapes; audio tapes; store fittings; clothing; and samples of wares. (was PA 00/167) Companies are GJ Coles & Coy. Ltd; The Myer Emporium Ltd. (Includes Myer trading under its own name after the merger with GJ Coles & Coy. Ltd.); Coles Myer Ltd; Grace Bros. Pty. Ltd. (Includes Grace Bros. Trading under its own name after takeover by The Myer Emporium Ltd.); Farmer & Co Ltd. (Also includes Farmers Holdings Ltd, Farmer, Painter & Pope JB Young Ltd, Includes JB Young (Holdings) Ltd.); M Light & Son; E Way & Co Pty. Ltd; Western Stores; Blaxland Galleries; Badenochs Transport; Allan Cedric Davis Pty. Ltd; CE Miller & Co Pty. Ltd; John Mitchell & Sons Pty. Ltd; Bullochs Removals & Storage; Storage Properties Pty. Ltd; Boans Ltd; John Meagher (Holdings) Ltd; Love and Pollard Community Stores Ltd. (Originally known as Canberra Co-operative Society Ltd.); Coles Food Markets Pty. Ltd; Matthews, Thompson & Co Ltd; Rhoades & Co Ltd; Coles Country Stores; O Gilpin Ltd; Foy & Gibson Pty. Ltd; Manton & Sons Ltd. (Includes subsidary – Theatre Royal Pty. Co Ltd.); CSD Stores; John Connell Dickins & Co Ltd. (Also John Connell & Co Ltd.); New World Supermarket Pty. Ltd; Selfridges (Australasia) Ltd. (Includes Selfridges (WA) Ltd, Selfridges (NZ) Ltd.); Blackwood Lowe Pty. Ltd; Bishop & Murton Ltd; Kift Shoes Pty. Ltd.(Includes Kiftdisco Pty. Ltd. And Ocram Pty. Ltd.); Colmart Pty. Ltd; Jackron Investments Pty. Ltd; K mart (Australia) Ltd; Penneys Ltd; Wilkinson & Co Ltd. (Includes SO Beilby Ltd and The Tobacco Co of South Australia Ltd. SO Beilby Ltd.); Katies Ltd; Liquorland Stores; Target Australia Pty. Ltd. (Includes Lindsays & McKenzies); Edward Fay Pty. Ltd, Fay's Shoes Ltd; SS Kresge Company Pty. Ltd. / K Mart Corporation Ltd. (Includes SS Kresge Company (Australia) Pty. Ltd); One Stop Shop Pty. Ltd; JH Coles Pty. Ltd; Brownells Ltd. (Includes Johnston and Miller store Mac the Slasher); Gilray Stores Pty. Ltd; Red Rooster Foods; Squire Pepper Pty. Ltd; Ezywalkin Ltd; Progressive Entreprises Ltd; McWhirters Ltd. (Includes McWhirter & Son Ltd.); Hoskins Stores Pty. Ltd; Wright & Neil; Country Road Clothing Pty. Ltd; HFC Financial Services; Traveland International Pty. Ltd; Fosseys Pty. Ltd; Stephens & Sons Pty. Ltd; Neway, Cash & Carry Stores Ltd; WH Rocke & Co Pty. Ltd; World 4 Kids; Officeworks; Bi-Lo; Craig Williamson & Thomas Ltd; Bairds Company Ltd; Paterson Powell Pty. Ltd. (Includes Paterson, Powell and Sandford Pty. Ltd. And Harris, Powell and Sandford); Allan & Stark Ltd; Thomas Webb & Sons Pty. Ltd; James Marshall & Co Ltd; Morris Jacobs Pty; Ltd; Newmart; Shoey's Stores. Date: ca 1840-ca 1990. ID: IE7066566. We ask you to respect State Library Victoria’s policies with regard to copying and re-using works with indigenous content.

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