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Brulement de l'Effigie du Juda le Samedi Saint
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Caption | Brulement de l'Effigie du Juda le Samedi Saint. Description: Effigies of Judas are displayed in public places in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [top] Includes Black people watching the destruction of one of the effigies, Black children beating parts of the effigy with sticks, Black women carrying food on their heads, church, tree, and port with ships firing cannons in the distance. [bottom] Two effigies that include figures of devils that torture and kill Judas. On the figures of Judas are signs that refer to his betrayal of Jesus. Each Judas figure also holds a sack to represent the sack of silver that he received for betraying Jesus. Source creator: Debret, Jean Baptiste, 1768-1848. Source title: Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil ... Tome troisième. Source place of publication: Paris. Source publisher: Firmin Didot Frères, imprimeurs de l'Institut de France, libraires, rue Jacob, no. 56. Source date: M DCCC XXXIX. [1839]. Record number: 07385-107. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | lithograph |
Credit | Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library |
Terms of use | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Brulement l'Effigie du Juda le Samedi Saint Effigies of Judas displayed public places Rio de Janeiro Brazil Includes Black people watching destruction one effigies Black children beating effigy sticks women carrying food heads church tree port ships firing cannons distance Two include devils torture kill Judas signs refer betrayal Jesus Each Judas holds sack represent silver received betraying Catholics burning Social custom Executions Holy Saturday |
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YJC0017207 | 6,078 x 9,784 pixels | 32 |
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