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Spaensche Tyrannyen in de Westindies

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Spaensche Tyrannyen in de Westindies. Description: Battle and destruction in the West Indies. Spaniards fight using muskets, swords, and shields against native Americans. Women and children are forced by soldiers into a pit with spikes. Other scenes of warfare and cannibalism are shown. In the background, volcanos erupt and towns lie in ruins. Items in the image are lettered for identification in a key above. Source creator: Vries, Simon de, b. 1630. Source title: Curieuse aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West- Indische verwonderens - waerdige dingen. Source place of publication: t'Utrecht. Source publisher: By Johannes Ribbius, boeckverkooper in de korte Jansstraet. Source date: M. DC. LXXXII. [1682]. Record number: 03016-3.

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