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Native Americans attack Europeans who flee in defeat

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[Native Americans attack Europeans who flee in defeat]. Description: Native Americans attack Europeans who flee in surprise. In the background natives attack a European fortification while more natives in canoes land on shore and advance toward the fort. Includes dwellings, fortifications, tents, cannons, bows, arrows, war clubs, guns or muskets, swords, scene of warfare, and tents on fire. Source title: Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en land-reysen na Oost en West-Indiën ... zedert het jaar 1524 tot 1526. Source place of publication: In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]. Source publisher: Door Pieter Vander Aa, boekverkoper in de St. Pieters Koor-steeg, in Plato. Source date: 1707. Record number: 08984-241.

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