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Vitzliputzli, vornehmster Götze der Mexicaner

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Vitzliputzli, vornehmster Götze der Mexicaner. Description: Scene of worship and human sacrifice at a native American or Mexican temple. The victim's heart is cut out before an idol or statue by a priest with a knife. The priest's assistants hold the victim by all four limbs. Includes feathered headdresses, statue of a winged and cloven-hoofed god in feathered headdress and garments who holds snakes and a shield. Source creator: Purmann, Johann Georg, 1733-1813. Source title: Sitten und Meinungen der Wilden in America ... Zweyter Theil. Source place of publication: Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]. Source publisher: bey Johann Gottlieb Garbe. Source date: 1778. Record number: 34079-18.

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