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Haec ornamenta mea non parufringque sequela maledicte fili maledicte pater
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Caption | Haec ornamenta mea non parufringque sequela maledicte fili maledicte pater. Description: Native American women wearing feathered headdresses and garments scatter seeds to chickens and their chicks. Source creator: Stengel, Georg, 1584-1651. Source title: Ova paschalia sacro emblemate inscripta descriptaq[ue] á Georgio Stengelio Societatis Iesu theologo. Curae secundae. Source place of publication: Monachii [Munich]. Source publisher: Apud Nicolam Henricum electoralem typographum. Source date: XXXV. [1635]. Record number: 13-93-001. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | engraving |
Credit | Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library |
Terms of use | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Haec ornamenta mea parufringque sequela maledicte fili pater Native American women wearing feathered headdresses garments scatter seeds chickens chicks Emblems North America |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YJC0011924 | 1,892 x 3,114 pixels | 43 |
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