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Powhatan's sons negotiate for their sister's release
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Caption | [Powhatan's sons negotiate for their sister's release]. Description: English soldiers with a native American woman confront native American soldiers. In the background, Englishmen arrive in boats from ships and are greeted by natives. Includes a native American settlement named Matzkot. Source creator: Hamor, Ralph, -1626. Source title: Dreyzehende Schiffahrt darinnen ein Warhafftiger vnd Gründtlicher Bericht, von dem jtzigen Zustandt der Landtschafft Virginien; auch wie nunmehr der Friede mit den Indianern beschlossen: vnd wie etliche Städte vnd Vestunge alda zum Schutz des Landtes von den Engelischen auffgebawet worden. Source place of publication: Hanaw. Source publisher: In Verlegung der Hulsischen. Source date: M DC XVII. Record number: 0947-004. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | engraving |
Credit | Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library |
Terms of use | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Powhatan sons negotiate sister release English soldiers native American woman confront Englishmen arrive boats ships greeted natives Includes settlement named Matzkot First contact aboriginal peoples Westerners North America |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YJC0011916 | 3,120 x 2,433 pixels | 95 |
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