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Uiztlipuztli idolum Mexicanorum
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Caption | Uiztlipuztli idolum Mexicanorum. Description: Native American worship before Huitzilopochtli, a Mexican idol or statue, in the interior of a temple. The idol, shown as a devil with wings, a face on his stomach, and cloven hooves, stands on an altar decorated with military matériel such as spears, shields, and feathered headdresses. In one hand he holds a pole, in the other a shield with five feathers on it. Also includes animal headdresses and men worshipping before the idol. Source creator: Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683. Source title: De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America. Source place of publication: t'Amsterdam. Source publisher: By Jacob Meurs Boek-verkooper en Plaet-snyder, op de Kaisars-graf, schuin over de wester-markt, in de stad Meurs. Source date: 1671. Record number: 01631-16. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | engraving |
Credit | Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library |
Terms of use | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Uiztlipuztli idolum Mexicanorum Native American worship Huitzilopochtli Mexican idol statue interior temple devil wings face stomach cloven hooves stands altar decorated military matériel spears shields feathered headdresses one hand holds pole shield five feathers includes animal men worshipping Indians of Mexico Religion Spanish America |
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YJC0010780 | 5,269 x 4,982 pixels | 114 |
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