Plants and animals of Guadeloupe

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[Plants and animals of Guadeloupe]. Description: Plants and animals including an agouti (accompanied by an illustration of an agouti hunt), an opossum, wild pig of the Caribbean (accompanied by an illustration of a pig hunt), an armadillo, an armadillo rolled up in a ball (accompanied by an armadillo hunt), cashew tree, strangler fig tree with the epiphyte from which the tree is formed, a cocoa palm or tree, and a calabash tree. Also includes dogs, an iguana, and spear. Items in the image are identified with page numbers to descriptions in text. Source creator: Du Tertre, Jean Baptiste, 1610-1687. Source title: Histoire generale des Antilles habitées par les François ... Tome II. Source place of publication: A Paris. Source publisher: Chez Thomas Iolly, au palais, en la Salle des Merciers, à la Palme, & aux Armes d'Hollande. Source date: M. DC. LXVII. [1667]. Record number: 01897-8.

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