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The legend of Captaine Jones: the first & 2d part

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The legend of Captaine Jones: the first & 2d part. Description: A knight or soldier in armor on horseback fearlessly attacks an armored man riding on an elephant. Under the hooves of the horse lie severed heads (some wearing crowns) and dead lions. In the background is a shipwreck, a knight riding on the back of a fish or whale, and an angel playing a horn. Includes a ship, sword, club, bow, arrow, a coffin with a skull on it, and two Latin mottos. Source creator: Lloyd, David, 1597-1663. Source title: [Legend of Captaine Jones. Parts 1 and 2] The legend of Captain Jones. Relating his adventure to sea ... Source place of publication: London. Source publisher: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Prince's Armes in St. Paul's Church-yard. Source date: 1659. Record number: 04307-1.

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