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No satisfecho el Bto. Aparizio con esta renuncia, toma el Habito de Donado para servir alas dichas Religiosas.

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No satisfecho el Bto. Aparizio con esta renuncia, toma el Habito de Donado para servir alas dichas Religiosas. Description: Sebastián de Aparicio kneels before monks and receives the habit of a monk. He kisses the garment while a devil or winged animal pulls at him with a hook. A monk reads from a book in front of an altar. In the background is a scene in a scullery or kitchen of a man who has fallen on the ground and broken dishes. A devil has pulled him down. Another scene shows devils mocking a kneeling man who holds a rosary in one hand. Also includes a sword, candlesticks, and lit candles. Source creator: Ximénez, Mateo. Source title: Coleccion de estampas que representan los principales pasos, hechos y prodigios del Bto. Frai Sebastian de Aparizio religo. Franciscano de la Provincia del Sto. Evangelio de Mexico. Source place of publication: Roma [Rome]. Source publisher: por el incisor Pedro Bombelli. Source date: 1789. Record number: 07144-40.

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