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THE EUROPEAN STATE JOCKIES Running a Heat for the BALLANCE OF POWER, with various designs adapted for the Year 1740

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THE EUROPEAN STATE JOCKIES Running a Heat for the BALLANCE OF POWER, with various designs adapted for the Year 1740. Place: [London]. Date: 1740. March 25. Narrative description: A race by the seashore. Britain challenges Spain in the West Indies. Images include: America, Africa, Europe, and Asia as judges; Russia on a bear; Turkey on an elephant; Sultan of Turkey; scales of power; Cardinal André-Hercule de Fleury; Spain thrown from a wolf; British lion; Holland smoking a pipe accompanied by a hog laden with merchandise; Elector of Bavaria; King of Hungary on an eagle; Captain Robert Jenkins with his severed ear. Creator: Invented by the president of the Political Society, & inscrib'd to the members thereof. Publisher: Published according to Act of Parliament. Accession number: 31405.

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