Heresiography, or A description and history of the hereticks and sectaries sprang up in these latter times

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Heresiography, or A description and history of the hereticks and sectaries sprang up in these latter times. Declaring 1. Their original and first proceeding. 2. Their errors and blasphemies. 3. Their several sorts. 4. Their audacious boldnesse in those days. 5. The confutation of their errours. 6. How they have been punished and suppressed amongst us heretofore, and likewise the execution of the law upon them at this present. The sixth edition, whereunto is added the last year 1661. Many new additions, not heretofore extant in print; together with brasse plates of the most eminent sectaries; also more new additions, & brass plates not printed til this present April 1662. as appears in the page against the frontispiece. By Ephraim Pagitt, late minister of St. Edmonds Lumbard street. Creator: Pagitt, Ephraim, 1574 or 5-1647. Date created or published: 1662. Digital image file name: 64563.

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