A prophecie of the life, reigne, and death of VVilliam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury: by an exposition on part of the …
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Caption | A prophecie of the life, reigne, and death of VVilliam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury: by an exposition on part of the 13. and 15. chapters of the Revelation of John. Wherein the summe of all his actions are foretold, his name nominated, his correspondency with the Pope, his cruelty to the Church, and the strange wonders declared, which in his time should be done by fire from heaven: and his courts, seals, marks, yea the very monopolies all clearly forshewed: also how by the supreme councell he shalbe put to death; after which they shall rejoyce, and obtaine a finall victory over the Papists in armes against them. Perused and allowed. Date created or published: 1644. Digital image file name: 57196. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | not available |
Credit | Folger Shakespeare Library |
Terms of use | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | prophecie life reigne death VVilliam Laud Archbishop of Canterbury exposition 13 15 Chapters Revelation of John summe actions foretold name nominated correspondency Pope cruelty Church strange wonders declared time fire heaven courts seals marks yea monopolies clearly forshewed supreme councell shalbe put rejoyce obtaine finall victory Papists armes Perused allowed |
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YFS0158556 | 4,586 x 5,896 pixels | 410 |
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