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Five Representations of Women

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Left row: two circular, above a half-figure of a girl, seen from the front, with the right arm before the breast put into the shawl around the shoulders, the left arm being put behind the back; below is a sketch of a girl with praying raised hands and eyes, turned toward the left. Framed by a circular line. In the center: three-quarter figure of a young woman with a diadem sitting in a side chair, turned toward the right, but looking at the front. Her right arm leans upon the arm of the chair, her left hand holds a circular, only partly visible relief. IN the background are two lower parts of columns with a curtain between them and a view of the sky. Right row: above, rectangularly, a woman sits in a side chair, turned toward the left, with the head turned toward the front. She wears gloves. Her right foot is upon the base, her right arm upon the top of a table, upon which a vase with flowers stands. In the background are columns upon a dado and a curtain. Below: half-figure of a sitting girl, turned toward the left, with her head turned outwards. Her left forearm is bare, her hair is partly floating. Circularly. Made in: Rome, Italy. Date: 1810s. Record ID: chndm_1938-88-7398.

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