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Le Tambourin (The Tabor), Singeries ou différentes actions de la vie humaine représentées par des singes (Monkey Antics or Different Actions of Human Life Represented by Monkeys)
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Caption | Plate from a series of 23 prints featuring monkeys acting as humans in various figural scenes. In an outdoor environment, a figure of a monkey in gentleman's costume wearing feathered hat plays the tambor, an elongated snare drum. While drumming, he also plays a simple flute. Indications of a town in the background. Made in: Paris, France. Date: 1730s. Record ID: chndm_1921-6-319-22. |
Creator | Christophe Huet, designer, French (1700–1759) |
Artwork medium | Etching on laid paper |
Credit | Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Tambourin Tabor Singeries ou différentes actions vie humaine représentées par singes Monkey Antics Actions of Human Life Represented Monkeys Plate series featuring acting humans figural scenes Christophe Huet |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YCH023125 | 5,290 x 4,363 pixels | 17 |
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