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La Ptisanier (The Herbal Tea Seller), Singeries ou différentes actions de la vie humaine représentées par des singes (Monkey Antics or Different Actions of Human Life Represented by Monkeys)

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Plate 4 of a series of 23 prints featuring monkeys acting as humans in various figural scenes. In outdoor setting, a figural group of monkeys in human costume. At center, a monkey in a feathered hat wears a container of infused herbal tea at his back, with a long tube to dispense and deliver the beverage. He holds a conical chalice in his right hand. A smaller monkey at right with a stool on his back fills a small bowl with the drink. In the background, a cowering dog defecates. Made in: Paris, France. Date: 1730s. Record ID: chndm_1921-6-319-15.

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